Meditation for Beginners: 7 Aids to Help Your Meditation

Meditation is no doubt a difficult but rewarding task. It can take some time to calm the mind even enough to just start meditating. Having a solid routine in place and the proper aids can be very helpful for prepping the mind and getting into the habit of daily meditation more easily.

If you are just starting on your mediating journey, I have some great tips for getting your mind calm and getting you into the habit of making meditation joyful and something that you look forward to!


Help from Fragrances

Sometimes just having that extra physical component such as incense or sage for smudging can make a world of difference to get your body and mind into the flow of practice for meditation.

I heavily rely on the fragrances to cue my mind to start shifting from its constant chatter to calming down and centering for meditation. It truly works, and with the habit of using these aids, we can more easily get into the flow and get going with our mediation.

If you haven’t tried these 7 aids for meditation, I recommend you start now.

  1. Incense: this is an essential part of any meditator's routine. (If you are allergic or the fragrance bothers you, try an essential oil with a diffuser.) Make sure you choose one made of completely natural ingredients. Don’t settle for the super cheap boxes, they are often made with cheap ingredients and even toxic chemicals.

    My absolute favorite and pure brand is Vinason’s. They have been in business in India for a long long time. Their natural fragrances are soothing, relaxing, and calming. I source from them for my e-comm store because their fragrances are out of this world. And not too overpowering perfume smells that can be counterproductive to meditation.

How to Use Incense in Your Meditation

Start your practice by lighting an incense stick, wave it in front of your altar or any spiritual pictures you might have in a clockwise motion and then set it in your burner for however long you feel is comfortable. 

2. White sage: Specifically California white sage. If you can burn just a leaf or two in your smudging bowl before you use incense or during, either one, you will feel the purifying effects of sage. Mixed with the smell of incense this is purifying and heavenly- you will definitely start to feel your mind calm and begin prepping for meditation. Feel free to replace with Palo Santo if you prefer, or use both. If you are allergic to the smoke try a smudging spray instead. 

3. Meditation Cushions-the spine should be straight at all times while meditating. Easier said than done? ..yes! So, a proper cushion is key. I have tested many over the 20 years I have been meditating! This is essential. Ensure you are supporting your spine at all times. Heavy emphasis is placed upon this important point in many great texts such as the classic work, Raja Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda. It is worth a read to get the details for a straight spine.

I have tested many different cushions over the 20 years I have been meditating. I have a cork meditation cushion right now. It allows you to sort of mold the cushion to your body and adjust it as necessary. It helps keeps a straight spine. It’s probably one of my favorites I have tried. I have had it for several years now and I meditate twice a day, everyday and it is holding up just fine.

Use Code: WARRIORHEATHER to get a 10% discount with my exclusive discount at Shakti Warrior

p.s. you can get amazing and the most beautiful yoga mats from them too.

You can see it in the pic below. My friend, Gayatri was sitting on it for a photo shoot for our e-comm store.

My next favorite is the fair trade large meditation cushion. This unfolds into a sturdy and beautiful cushion that allows for a comfortable posture with a straight spine. 

4. Inspiring Spiritual Books: Next, keep a book by your meditation space and read it just for a few minutes to continue quieting the mind and prepping it for meditation. If you can take your mind to a spiritual world first by reading inspiring spiritual books, you will find with habit that it is easier to transition to your meditation session. Only use spiritual books that are written by persons of authority. People who are pure at heart and are a genuine authority on the subject matter so that you can lead your mind as high as possible before meditating.

Recommended books:

The Bhagavad Gita

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna


Cookbook for Awakening

Vedanta Voice of Freedom

They Lived with God

5. Japa Mala: Mala’s are a tool for meditation. Repetition of sacred sounds and words with their use is meditation themselves.

As aids to the repetition of sacred sounds, malas help deepen meditation and support mindful and spiritual practices. A mala, also known as a japa mala, is a necklace strung with 108 beads, plus the guru bead, which is indicated with a tassel. A mantra, sacred sound or affirmation is repeated while rotating the mala through the fingers, one bead at a time. The number 108 is particularly auspicious and 108 repetitions of your sacred sound or affirmation will have peaceful and calming effects on your mind and body.

6. Spiritual Journal: I created a free journal for you that you can download here. Complete this before you meditate and you will have a reflective way to view your practice and look forward to your next meditation session. It can also be used right before you meditate to be sort of a brain dump to get your mind cleared to start meditating, which is very helpful! Then you can use the meditation tracker to keep yourself on track and reinforcing this super important habit.

7. Last but not least is a meditation room, meditation corner or sacred space. Do you have a designated space for meditation? If not, I truly recommend you carve one out in your home. A dedicated area for this practice helps strengthen the meditation vibes in that space and when you enter it to meditate you can more easily get into the flow of meditation from the reinforced practice vibes being there. I have my dedicated She Shed for meditating and it is the biggest blessing in my life, not kidding.


The World of Going Inward

These Top 7 Meditation Aid ideas are just the beginning. The world of going inward inspires so many ornaments for practice. Start with these 7 if you are new to having supports to your meditation practice. Or if you are new to meditating try some of my recommended meditation books and these top 7 aids. Then you can branch out to so many other inspiring aids to help calm the mind and find your inner peace.

Need help creating your sacred space or meditation space? Check out our sacred space blog here

Much Love! I’m cheering you on!

Heather Hathaway, M.Ed.


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